I was lying down, starting to get sleepy when it popped into my head! Here’s a list of some of my favorite fantasy stories and characters.
There are many different stories of Morgan Le Fay. Her tales have always mystified me. Half-sister of King Arthur and fairy queen. Pretty awesome.
Growing up, my sister and I had this winter ritual. Every year around Christmas time we would run an LOTR marathon while fawning over our movie cards, and other collectible goodies. As an adult I still run the marathon, but the cards can stay in the closet. Admission: I have NOT read any of the books.
I resisted reading these books at first. I associated them with little kids, and as a seventh grader, I was just too mature for them. My aunt ended up buying the first three for me the summer before ninth grade. I devoured them in weeks. The rest is history!
Illustration from page 4 of The Boy’s King Arthur: Merlin taking away the infant Arthur – “So the child was delivered unto Merlin, and so he bare it forth.” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This TV series captivated me. Merlin, always trying to do what is right and unintentionally messing everything up! Also Morgan Le Fay is a badass (kind of nuts though).
This is a really adorable love story. Very Romeo and Juliet. Also, Whoopi Goldberg plays the Banshee. Yes.
I watched this series probably more than was healthy. Some of the makeup stuff scared me. It was the 80s so it’s forgivable.
The intro is awesome and got me pumped every time it came on. I also had a serious school girl crush on the wolf-guy. I watched is as an adult recently, and found that “wolfie” was a serious stalker, and had all kinds of red-flags.
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