“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.”
Siddhartha Gautama
Big revelations tonight. First, I have the most amazing people in my life. People who hold sacred space for me to process my emotions, my challenging thoughts, fears, and dreams. People who stand as a witness to my becoming.
Second, I’m so deeply in love with my LP (life partner), husband, SO (significant other)… whatever you want to call him. It’s really unbelievable. What’s even crazier, is that he loves me back, just as deeply, just as radically, just as beautifully. And you know what I do with that love that he gives me freely? I (used to) put up a wall of “I am not worthy” and resist. When I’m having feelings of insecurity, he tells me how beautiful I am, and I roll my eyes and say, “Yeah, yeah, you’re saying that because you love me and you want to make me feel better. But it’s not true!” – Sounds kind of like a child being a brat to me now.
But my breathtaking love for him does not subside. I love him so much that I can’t imagine what I would do without him in my life. Then the truth sets in, that he will die someday (I will die someday too obviously), and that thought can break me down. Not because I think, “oh just someday” but because I’m a worrier, and I think, what if it happens in some shocking, unexpected way, that there’s no way for me to prepare for it? Then when he’s out at night, I can’t fall asleep until he comes home and I worry if he takes longer than he should on a bike ride. It’s these instances of worry and fear that help me to realize, that there is NO WAY I could have kids. I would lose all of my hair!
Well to be honest, it’s pretty difficult. Especially because I never feel like I’m choosing to feel that way, and in fact, I’m trying hard to avoid those thoughts completely.
My remedy then, is gratitude. Accepting this exact moment for what it is – peaceful and full of love.
Sounds easy enough right?
It’s still hard to surrender those feelings of fear for some reason.
Full disclosure: As I was sharing this with a friend, I cried… a lot. Then she said something so wonderful, she said, “I really feel like these negative emotions you’re feeling, are tied to your own feelings about yourself. That you’re entering a space of deep vulnerability and it scares you.”
OKAY then, what are these negative thoughts connected to? I clearly want us to live long happy lives together. But when I get visions of being without him for whatever reason, it’s as if I’m telling myself… this is too easy, you shouldn’t be this happy. AKA you are not deserving of this amazing love.
Vulnerability. Of course! Being this in love makes me incredibly vulnerable. Not because my happiness or well-being is directly tied to this particular relationship, but letting that love in, is PROOF that I am worthy of love.
Surrender feelings of unworthiness, and practice gratitude for your beautiful, love-filled life.
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