Positive Thinking Does Not Pay the Bills

Positive Thinking Does Not Pay the Bills
Picture of alisha herrick  |  coach + guide

alisha herrick | coach + guide

I am currently unemployed. It’s a weird place for me to be in considering at one point in my life I was working three jobs and going to school full time.

I suddenly have a lot of time on my hands. As well as a really screwy sleep schedule.

I want to be a writer. I don’t really understand how that desire came about but it’s real and it keeps staring me in the face. Tauntingly almost.

“Oh, so you want to be a writer?” Says my ego.

“Yes, I want to be a writer.” Says me.

“Then why don’t you write something?”

“No, seriously. If you want to be a writer, write something… anything.”

“No? OKAY then, good luck becoming a best selling author or some shit like that, because if you don’t start doing it, there’s no way in hell it’s ever going to happen.”

The paralysis makes some sense to me, but it’s really annoying.

I know that to be a writer, I need to write. But I’m struggling with self-doubt and fear.

When I spend time looking for jobs, I feel like I’m wasting that time not writing, and when I’m not writing because I don’t know what to write about, I feel like I’m wasting time not trying to get money.

At one point I was looking for “gigs” on craigslist because I can’t fathom having another job where I sit in an office 40 hours a week staring at a wall, and came across things like “HOT ASIANS FOR COCKTAIL PARTY” “Amateur girls for soft-core porn Big Boobs a plus” and “I am seeking a cute girl to spoil $$$$$$ 500”    ‘the fuck?

Even though I don’t want to, I have been applying for officey-type jobs because that’s where most of my skills happen to be from. I damn well better know how to use a phone, file something in alphabetical order, and make copies after being a receptionist for six years.

In the meantime, I have been reading a lot of self-help type stuff. Some of which I love, and some of which I hate. I’m reminded of the quote, “when everyone’s digging for gold, sell shovels” where the gold is the all illusive happiness/ perfect life and the shovels are e-books, e-courses, webinars, techniques, and tools to help you get there. It somehow works because we’re all buying it. Although, to be perfectly honest, I’m not buying it because I can’t afford it. Then I read that I shouldn’t say/ think negative things like the word “can’t”. Think only positive things.

Well I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and it hasn’t increased my bank account. So there’s got to be something missing from that guru money talk.

I get that thinking positively about yourself or your situation does make things feel better.

Like, “Hey Alisha, you’re a good person. You have someone who loves you, you’re hardworking, and intelligent.” Aww shucks self, thanks. I guess things aren’t that bad.

Shortly after, there’s the panicked thought of, “How are we going to pay rent next month?”

So I try to think positively about it. “We’ll figure out something.”

It’s comforting but I’m quickly realizing that positive thinking will not pay the bills. I can’t just think that our property managers are great and wonderful and will waive our rent for a couple of months. I can’t just think that the greatest job ever is going to fall into my lap tomorrow and we’ll be set for life. And I can’t just think that money is going to start raining down on me in 100 dollar bills.

I’m beginning to realize that positive thinking is only half of it. The other half is doing. I need to do something. Life requires taking responsibility, assessing risk, and taking action. (Yeah I just made that up).

I’m taking responsibility for where I am in my life right now:

I am exactly where I am because of choices and decisions I have made. I am in control of my life (or so I choose to believe).

What are the risks?

Thankfully none. No kids and no job. Also, the husband has a work from home kind of job so we don’t even have to stay living where we are.

Actions to take:

Write. Write. Write.

“It’ll work out” I tell myself, “just stay positive.”  And really maybe that’s what it is. Stay in a positive state of being. My guess is that when you’ve got a positive attitude, you’re more likely to see opportunities where others may not see anything at all. But the thing that keeps tripping me up, is not taking actions on those opportunities. Fear can be a nasty thing to get past. So I’m going to add one more thing to my actions list. Be Fearless.

Stay positive and be fearless. Sounds easy enough.

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