Earth Wise Coaching logo, representing Alisha Herrick’s spiritual guidance and tarot services based in Orange County
Earth Wise Coaching logo, representing Alisha Herrick’s spiritual guidance and tarot services based in Orange County

Spiritual Growth and Blogging

Spiritual Growth & Blogging
Picture of alisha herrick  |  coach + guide

alisha herrick | coach + guide

If it’s not totally clear yet, I’m in spiritual/emotional growth part of my life right now.

 I’ve been attempting to keep this space very… clean? optimistic? Not sure what word to use here. All I know is that I have been struggling to find my public “voice”.

Personal blogging is still a very strange activity to me. Clicking the “publish” button, makes my words available for all the world to read. OKAY, it’s very unlikely that “all the world” is going to read this, way over in the “no one gives a shit” pile of the internet, but anyone can read it.

And some people are reading it. People I don’t know, which is pretty cool. Makes me feel like maybe some of what I’m writing might be good. Either that, or my SEO techniques are working.

Then there’s the thought of, well what if my writing is actually bad, and the only people who are reading it are people I know personally?  What if they read something and think I’m nuts, or dumb? I want most people to think that I have my shit together, and if I’m being honest here, I usually don’t. So that makes me feel kind of weird. I don’t want people to think badly of me because of something I write. Thankfully the people I know, who have read and commented on my posts, have all been really wonderful, supportive, and kind.

In wanting to write about my emotional and spiritual work, I’m realizing that this is going to require that I’m vulnerable about some things. Honesty Corner: As a perfectionist, it takes me a really long time to publish a post. Even after I post something, if I see a mistake, I quickly try to edit it before anyone notices (I hope).

So to sum up this weird post:

1. I’m doing spiritual work that I want to write about.

2. Blogging is kind of weird.

3. Vulnerability in public is very uncomfortable.

4. It’s time for me to go to bed. AKA time to shut up and publish.

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