The Magical Float: Magic Day 11 of 31

the magical float, the magic of floating
Picture of alisha herrick  |  coach + guide

alisha herrick | coach + guide

The Magic of Floating

The magical float.

I swam today for the first time in a long time.

Being overweight most of my life I had forgotten the feeling of weightlessness.

In meditating on weightlessness I think about all of the heaviness I carry in my life.

The weight of guilt.

The weight of shame.

The weight of not enough-ness.

The weight of insecurity.

The weight of regret.

The weight of fear.

I wonder.

How does that weight manifest in my life?

Is it possible that the excess weight I carry as fat in my body is somehow connected to these emotional weights I struggle to let go of?

Could losing the fat be as easy as surrendering the heaviness of these negative feelings?

Or as hard?

Either way, floating today reminded me of the magic of trust and surrender.

I trust that the water will support me. I surrender the tension in my body.

I float.

Is it possible for this magic to work in life?

Can I trust the Universe to support me?

Can I surrender the negativity and fall into love?


I float.

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