Author name: Alisha Herrick

all hail the pumpkin king

All Hail the Pumpkin King!

All hail the pumpkin king! Last night my friend and I went to see “Danny Elfman’s Music From the Films of Tim Burton” at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. I’m not a HUGE fan of Elfman or Burton, but the iconic films like Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Big Fish, are certainly in my top ten.

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the magic of family

Magic Days 12-13 of 31: The Magic of Family

The magic of family.

We have been traveling this last week visiting family.

Visiting my family hasn’t always been easy.

Adolescence can be difficult for both teenager and parent. And if you’re not careful that stuff can easily carry into adulthood.

For me some of it did. As a child from a divorced family, a blended family, and young parents, I often resented the fact that I didn’t have the picture perfect upbringing.

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personal altar, what is an altar?

What is an Altar? Magic Day 4 of 31

What is an altar?

For me, it is a place where I keep items that have special significance or are important for me to honor in some way. My altar is where I go, when I need to be reminded of who I really am. When I need to be reminded that I am loved. Every piece on or around my altar, my sacred space, carries with it a story of love.

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Blog post titled *Magic Ritual*, exploring the power of personal rituals for spiritual growth and transformation with Alisha Herrick of Earth Wise Coaching Orange County

Magic Day 2 of 31: Magic Rituals

And that’s the thing about creating magic with ritual. There are two parts. The first is the creation of magic (or magical energy) through ritual, and second is the magic being received by another in the form of messages, signs, or energy. My hope is that when she reads the messages intended for her, it will feel magical.

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